Monday, November 5, 2012


I met my friends Abby & Daniel a great many years ago in college. Abby is an OT, and her company travels to Ukraine to work with orphans and their caregivers. Abby met a sweet toddler one one of her trips there, and, long story short- -they're adopting that sweet girl. They've waited for what feels like a hundred months to get so many different steps in the process completed, and they just found out that they finally have a court date! They get to go get their bebe! Abby has detailed the process on her blog. I'm excited to meet this sweet girl; I can't imagine what Abby & Daniel are feeling.

To help support my friends and their bringing home Eva Claire, 10% of all sales this month will go toward her adoption. Head over to the Cogworthy's Etsy shop (check out the thumbnails to the right of this post!), get yourself something nice, like this long cotton cowl, and help this sweet family in their start together. And there's a deal for Facebook fans this week, too!

1 comment:

  1. Holly I love you dear friend! Thank you so so much for doing this!
    And for the record, Cogworthys is awesome! I bought a Luna scarf for a gift and it's absolutely gorgeous!
